Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I now have some inclination of what I will be doing this summer, or at least part of. The last two days I have done some reading, one of the papers was Evolving Networked Controllers at Scale in the Presence of Noise (ENC), done by another student, Zachary McNellis, and Dr. Sekou Remy, the other three where : Genetic Algorithms in Noisy Environments (GAN) by J.Micheal Fitzpatrick and John J. Grefenstette, Cloud Network Robotics by a whole lot of people (CNR), one being Koji Kamei, and The Effects of Static Fitness Function Upon the Performance of Genetic Algorithms (ESF) by Alexander Grushin.  P.S. I'm using three capital notation just to be lazy, as I like to call it locution conservation.  With these three papers I have been able to get a much better understanding of what I suspect to be my work this summer. I will be extending the ENC paper which is about the presence of noise in Genetic Algorithms.  Let me break down the last sentence.
 Genetic Algorithms are algorithms that when presented a set of information,  say steps to solve a puzzle, try to give a better set of steps.  This I learned with GAN and ENC.

Noise can be seen as..., well the best way I can describe it is with the illustration of a virus. As the genetic algorithm goes along, noise causes the outcome to have unwanted effects, much like a cold.if you have a cold, you cough, have aches, sneeze and go through a whole heap of tissues. Noise in genetic algorithms kinda works in the same way. I pieced this together with all the papers.

The work that I will be doing this summer, I believe, can be summed up in this: "how does the real time control  effect the evolution for  a genetic algorithm, for better or worst across different types of communication ".  As is, the paper I will be extending, the ENC, suggest that if a system has some noise, this is good, but to much noise and this is bad. This is also supported with the articles GAN and ESF.

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