Thursday, July 2, 2015


right now it is about 12:00 and I still have not been able to get solid good simulation. Starting at 10 in the morning I was just running the computers. after every run I would reset the evals and ballPlates. The problem is that after x amount of time...x being some number based on the machines feelings... the runs would have crash...meaning that all the finesses would be either 0.0 or .1928... in some cases when I would start all 10 runs all would fail. This is what my day consisted of. running resetting, waiting, evaluating, sorting, deleting and repeating. In many cases only one run would come out with out more then 10 % collapse per generation. I would not it was based on the mutation rate...more of the machines that I was using. I found that the simulations on joey25 and up would last. my guess is that they are used less then the rest so they last longer. In any case I'm going to leave the runs now going and check in the morning. up to this point I have .1-.8 and I'm just waiting on .99 and .9.

Ps I used .99 because my GenAlgo will not take any mutation rate out of 0-1 so i though .99 would be really close to 1

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