well more like really fast transportation but... Last night i was able to run 21 runs from clemson to actual utah. It was quit interesting that I was able to run 21 runs back to back. Anyway I was able to chart the data and got some interesting results. these results wont make sense with out context though. The network runs from last week where also charted... those pics should be a bit lower or a post back... Those depicted the best individuals ran from joey to joey and joey to clemson Utah. The hypothosis was that a good individual will be good... in relation to the others of that population... regardless of the topology that the individual is ran on. these new charts which are the same individuals ran in actual Utah support that .... lookee.
I know you can't see anything. All the fitness where really bad. The highest fitness was like 730. out of 15000. But take into consideration how hard it is to balance an egg on a spoon, its not that hard, but now make that spoon a couple to hundred miles long and the story is different. I redid the chart with so that the highest y value would be 1000 and got a better picture.
these are the same just with different zooms... i guess is the word... But the picture is quite similar to that of the network run and the local run.
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