Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Ug, (-_-)... So this morning I went back to my computer and saw that there was an error, a connection reset. So I tried again, and got the same thing. It turned out that I was calling computers that were not listening , lesson learned. The bulk of today was just hunting down bugs that seemed to magically appear... more like they just began to be a problem. It went from no floats being stored to no evolutionary growth, to this, and that. I also noticed that the initial population was really bad, like 1.00E-5 bad, this meant that my program wasn't good for really low numbers. the problem was showing up when the elite and fit were being seen, only maybe 2 where classified as good, two a generation does not make. To fix this problem  I made the crossover of the fit come back again after the mutation, just to fill the population up to the population size, after the 3 or fourth this is not even used. Once that problem was finished and bow-Tied I was able to run all three programs... the one that evaluates the fitness, the one that draws out the eval, and the genetic algor... and its running as I type. I hope that I will go well. I read generation log file right now and im seeing some 500+ to 4000+.  here's what the test look like... there's 20 threads running but i only show four, assuming if the first two and last two run then the rest should be okay
I did find something that might be a problem, if only one for a single generation. Some of the test results are like 7000+, in a population who is mostly 1.blaE-4. I ran these manually and the fitness was .0001bla. So if this proves to be a problem, then I guess i could make a little screen that if a number that is really high passes along, a method will rerun the individual and if another number, say plus or minus 25% is a result then the second will be used, or maybe that average of the two...idk right now.

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